Mooncake and Tea Pairing Guide

🥮 Snowskin Mooncake

🍵 Jasmine-scented Green Tea

With a full body, robust fragrance, and floral sweetness of jasmine flowers, this tea is easy to drink and pairs well with snowskin mooncakes that have intensely sweet fillings.

🥮 Salted Egg Yolk Lava Mooncake

🍵 Oriental Beauty Oolong

The slightly fermented aroma and smooth aftertaste of our Oriental Beauty are great for cutting through the richness of Hong Kong-style salted egg yolk lava mooncakes or any cakes with a creamy custard filling.

🥮 Mix Nuts & Ham Mooncake 

🍵 Ban Lien Black Shan Tea

Black tea is an ideal option to serve with mixed nuts & ham baked mooncakes (bánh thập cẩm). Hints of spice, as well as the smooth, clean aftertaste, help maintain the balance against the sweet and savory elements in the mooncakes.

🥮 Traditional Baked Lotus / Bean Paste Mooncake

🍵 Dragon’s Tail White Tea
Our Dragon’s Tail carries such complex floral notes, subtly sweet, great mouthfeel, but a tingling fruity aftertaste at the back of your throat. Compared to traditional green and black teas, it delivers a lighter taste that mellows out the excessive sweetness from baked lotus and red beans paste mooncakes.